What I Would Do If I was Starting Over

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2022

There is no certainty, and everything moves constantly, whether we like it or not. The same goes with our businesses. We really can't predict what is coming, so we will just have to equip ourselves with what we need in order for our business to survive and thrive even more.

In this episode, I share what I would do if I was starting over with my business because the truth many of the challenges you're facing now, you'll also be faced with no matter what stage you are at. These things that I will be talking about in the episode will help you get better at dealing with problems that you will encounter as you move your business to success.

In this episode, you'll get to hear a detailed experience of these things that I built myself around to make my business shock proof:

1. Get your mind right.
2. Make a decision.
3. Get really clear on your personal policies.
4. Answer all of the remaining how-to questions.
5. Skill acquisition
6. Get support.


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Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Formula & PT Profit Accelerator
PT Profit Formula is a 12-week step-by-step community coaching program utilizing a proven process to help you build an effective, repeatable system that consistently generates leads and customers inside your fitness business so that you can fill your client schedule and sell out your products.
- If you're ready to take the next step, then PT Profit Accelerator is the program for you! Accelerator is 12-month coaching mastermind intensive designed for high performing health and wellness professionals who are ready to scale to multiple six figures without working harder.



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