The Nuero Side of Training with Jessica Raaum Foster

In this episode, Jessica shares her journey about how she came to find Z-Health, and how that has been pivotal in her being able to help people achieve their movement goals. She was instantly intrigued by the idea of using neuroscience to help people improve their movement. After becoming a certified Z-Health coach, she began to see amazing results with her clients and decided to become a master coach so that she could help even more people. 


0:02:17  How to Improve Performance

0:03:58 Z-Health for Singers, Dancers, Actors: How One Workshop Changed My Life

0:05:38 How Z-health Helped Her Improve Her Squatting Technique

0:08:06 Z-Health and the Nervous System: A Conversation with Master Trainer Aaron Alexander

0:10:09 A Program for Improving Motor Outputs

0:13:58  The Benefits of Neuro Performance Coaching

0:15:33  The Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation

0:17:08  The Benefits of Neuro Movement Training

0:23:01  The Benefits of Z-Health for Pain Relief and Hope

0:24:37 The Benefits of a Sensory Lifestyle 

0:27:40 The Benefits of Communicating with Your Nervous System

0:29:25 The Impact of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Tone on Athletic Performance

0:30:57 The Importance of a Good Baseline in Your Self-Care Practice

0:32:53 The Benefits of Exercise for Brain Health

0:34:25 The Neurology of Presence: How to Feel Things Better

0:38:23 Conversation between two women about chronic illness and how they found help.

0:40:10 The Benefits of a Gut-Brain-Body Connection

0:44:47 The Different Ways We Process Information and What Works Best for Each of Us

0:46:33 The Power of Presence


"So that gut feeling you get is literally your brain body connection. And that for me, the changes that matter the most to me all kind of fall under that category."

"And then also, what about things like the fats for the brain, at least for the developmental portions of the brain, not necessarily how the brain uses glucose for energy, but what about ketones and the fat components of our brain?."

"Really waking up all of our senses and participating in the more the more we pay attention to something, the higher the load on the brain. And that's my business name, is the Neurology of Presence."

"But the basics for the brain, the brain needs oxygen, it needs glucose and it needs nutrients. And if you're missing any of those things you were talking about this woman that kept tanking her fuel."

"If there's an appropriate balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic tone, the breaks are off and I'm ready. I describe it as, like, cool. So I can measure that based on how well do I reassess?."




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About Today's Guest 

Jessica Raaum Foster is a highly sought-after neuro performance coach, and she is passionate about helping people reach their movement goals. She helps people get out of pain and improve performance by teaching them how to play with their brains. She does this by using practical tools and techniques from cutting edge neuroscience that can help people understand and then overcome obstacles in the nervous system itself that may be blocking them from achieving their health or performance goals.

Jessica got certified in Pilates about twelve years ago, largely to stop waiting tables. She fell in love with it though, and realized that it could help her with her balance issues. She then decided to use her knowledge to help others improve their performance. 

Learn more and connect with Jessica here:
[email protected]


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