Weston Hirschauer is a powerlifting coach based in Boulder, Colorado. He shares his journey from being overweight in his youth to losing 70 pounds and becoming passionate about fitness. Weston explains how he got into powerlifting and coaching, and how he built his business in a new state. He emphasizes the importance of serving the local community and building relationships with lifters. Weston also discusses the challenges he faces as a coach, such as managing warm-up rooms and making accurate attempt selections. He shares his coaching philosophy of building confidence in his athletes and teaching them how to fish rather than just giving them the answers. Weston also talks about the importance of communication and trust in the coach-athlete relationship. He shares his strategies for staying engaged and interested in the work, such as always looking for ways to improve and not getting complacent. Weston also discusses his own lifting journey and the challenges he has faced with the deadlift.
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About Today's Guest
Weston is a powerlifting coach based out Boulder, Colorado. Weston got his start in powerlifting coaching after joining his university powerlifting club at Iowa State University and helping multiple lifters on the team to successful performances at the local and national level.
Weston's coaching style is based around finding the training approach that will work best for each individual athlete. Due to the struggles he faced in his own training, Weston dedicated himself to learn from every resource he could in order to drive progress. This has led him to developing a large pool of powerlifting knowledge which he uses to help his athletes succeed no matter how stubborn their training has been in the past.
Weston's coaching philosophy centers around building confidence in his athletes. Not only athlete's confidence in their own abilities, but also for each athlete to know that he is confident and believes in them. Weston understands the power the mind plays in performance and what having a strong support system can do for an athlete's success. The coach-athlete relationship is something Weston takes very seriously and does everything in his power to help his athletes be successful both on and off the platform.
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