Best of: Your Next 10k

business content fitness lead Apr 02, 2024

[NOW OPEN] Create Content that Converts Club. New 21-day challenge: Get 1-5 Clients on Instagram in 21 Days even with a small following: Click to Register.

hallenge starts June 10th 2024

If you're in the fitness biz and hungry for that next level, this one's for you. We're diving back into one of our all-time fave episodes because, let's face it, every time you listen, there's something new to catch—especially as you grow every single day.

In this episode, I'm laying down some real talk about boosting your revenue without the sleaze factor. We're talking about making content that does the heavy lifting for you, turning those likes and shares into genuine cash flow. I've got you covered with straightforward strategies to get your content working overtime, so you can hit those $10K months organically—no need for fancy ads or complicated funnels.

Join me as I share the secret sauce to creating offers that people can't resist, and how to tap into your existing network for potential clients. Plus, I'm opening the doors to our "Create Content That Converts Club," where you can snag your spot for less than the cost of your daily coffee. It's all about getting you to those consistent revenue months using the power of content.

I also get real about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the mindset shifts necessary for growth, and the importance of reevaluating content with fresh ears. Whether you're a newbie or scaling up, there's something in this episode for you.

So, if you're ready to make your next move and rake in your next 10K, hit play on this episode. It's packed with golden nuggets you won't want to miss.




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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're xperienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

BSimpsonFitness Best Next Steps:

Want to scale to consistent and predictable 20k months without adding more hours to your already packed schedule. Let me show you how for free

Simple Scaling - Want the fastest most efficient way to start and scale a profitable business in the health and wellness space, with less than 2k followers or DMing 100 cold people a day? Watch this short free training and I'll show you how for free. Tap here to register:

Conversion Content Framework - Turn your content into clients without pressure or sleaze even with a small following.

90 Days of Done for You Content that Converts:
Your shortcut to create compelling content that sets you apart in the fitness industry without sacrificing your authentic voice, and gets your ideal clients excited to work with you without being pushy or sleazy.

The Complete 10k Per Month Blue Print - FREE



50% Complete

Two Step

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