The Playbook of Life: Coaching, Strength, and Finding Your Field with Phil Dominguez

In this episode, Coach Phil Dominguez takes us through his journey from coaching football to shaping bodies and minds in his outdoor gym. Phil's not your ordinary coach; he's got a knack for making every training session feel like a positive experience. Tune in to hear how football's teamwork and tactics play out in personal training, and get ready to be inspired by Phil's down-to-earth wisdom on pushing limits and chasing goals.



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About the Guest

Phil Dominguez is a California-based football coach and personal trainer known for his dynamic approach to coaching and his deep understanding of team dynamics and individual growth. Phil has dedicated over a decade to coaching high school football before transitioning into personal training. His expertise spans from developing strategic sports programs to personalized fitness regimens, always with a focus on building mental and physical resilience. Phil's philosophy is rooted in the lessons of sportsmanship—leadership, perseverance, and the power of a positive mindset—principles he brings to every aspect of his coaching and training.


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