What to look at when things aren't working

In this episode, we're diving deep into strategies that will help you streamline your operations and increase your revenue without resorting to sleazy sales tactics. It's all about elevating your practice, understanding your clientele better, and getting out of your own way to embrace success.





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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're xperienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

BSimpsonFitness Best Next Steps

 Simple Scaling -...

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Transforming Body and Mind: Christina Hathaway's Journey from Therapy to Coaching

In this episode, Christina shares her journey from working in various levels of eating disorder care to creating a comprehensive coaching program that addresses the intersection of science and psychology. She focuses on helping high-achieving women who struggle with body image, emotional eating, and self-care.

We dive deep into the difference between disordered eating and eating disorders, the psychological curriculum she has developed, and her five-step method to help clients recreate their relationships with their bodies, food, and self-worth.

If you enjoy this episode be sure to share it on social, tag us @bsimpsonfitness and @mindsetofmattercoaching and tell us your favorite takeaways!







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About the Guest 

Christina Hathaway is a licensed...

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How to Turn Your Science Skills into Client Leads with Conversion Content

Today, we're diving into the art of creating compelling content that not only engages but also converts. If you're a health and wellness professional who's been diligently posting your best workouts, nutrition tips, and mindset hacks on social media without seeing any client inquiries, this episode is for you.

I'll be sharing my tried-and-true formula that has helped me and my clients generate consistent 40K months. You'll hear real success stories, like Mike, who made 15K in three days with just three posts, and Corey, who pulled in 18K in 30 days with less than 1,000 followers.

We'll explore the common mistakes that many coaches make without realizing it and what you can do instead to start seeing results. Whether you're concerned about the size of your following or you're just feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating content that sells, I've got you covered. I'll show you how to master the art of selling without selling, so you can stop feeling sleazy and start attracting...

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Unlocking Fitness Secrets for Moms Over 40: Transform Your Lifestyle with Bryan Fitzsimmons

In this episode we chatted with Coach Bryan Fitzsimmons, creator of Fit40, host of the Fit40 Podcast a fitness program designed for moms over 40. Bryan shares his journey from aspiring firefighter to fitness expert, explaining how he tailors workouts for the unique needs of older women. Expect practical tips on overcoming diet myths, building sustainable workouts, and staying motivated. Whether you’re looking to be stronger or do more in your day, Bryan’s insights will help you get there. Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with actionable fitness advice!



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About the Guest 

Bryan Fitzsimmons is a fitness professional specializing in helping individuals over 40 achieve their health and fitness goals. He is known for his work with the Fit 40...

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The Playbook of Life: Coaching, Strength, and Finding Your Field with Phil Dominguez

In this episode, Coach Phil Dominguez takes us through his journey from coaching football to shaping bodies and minds in his outdoor gym. Phil's not your ordinary coach; he's got a knack for making every training session feel like a positive experience. Tune in to hear how football's teamwork and tactics play out in personal training, and get ready to be inspired by Phil's down-to-earth wisdom on pushing limits and chasing goals.



Help Us Help More People. When you leave a review on Apple or Spotify, it helps us share the message so that we can raise the industry standards and help more people for free. 

About the Guest

Phil Dominguez is a California-based football coach and personal trainer known for his dynamic approach to coaching and his deep understanding of team dynamics and individual growth. Phil has dedicated over a decade to coaching high school football before transitioning into personal training. His expertise spans from...

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Best Of: A Journey Through Health, Fitness, and Self-Discovery with Kait Ann-Michelle

For this "Best Of" episode, we're bringing back a conversation with Kait Ann-Michelle where we delve into her inspiring story from elite athlete to a health and fitness professional who redefines resilience and personal growth. After a career-ending injury, she ventured beyond the physical, exploring the realms of psychology and integrative medicine to empower others to achieve their peak performance, both mentally and physically.

This episode is more than just a story of overcoming adversity; it's a guide to self-discovery, challenging us to question who we are beyond our roles and achievements. We discuss innovative strategies for optimizing health, navigating life's puzzles, and breaking through mental barriers.

Join us in this "Best Of" series as we explore how to live fully in pursuit of personal and professional excellence. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone in the industry seeking to make meaningful changes with their clients or with themselves....

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How to Give Everything Away for Free and Still Get Paid to Coach

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, I dive into the delicate balance of offering free, valuable content while still making a living from coaching. I share insights on understanding the customer journey, crafting content that converts, and how to engage effectively on social media. By focusing on specificity and targeted messaging, I explain how fitness professionals can stand out and establish themselves as authorities in their niche. This episode is packed with actionable strategies for trainers and clinicians aiming to turn their followers into paying clients, without resorting to pushy sales tactics. 





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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or...

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Creating Content for Coaches Who Struggle with Social Media with Chris Liddle

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, guest host Chris Liddle dives into the world of content creation for coaches struggling with social media. From leveraging client achievements and testimonials to strategic posting and utilizing scheduling tools, Chris offers actionable strategies to enhance online presence and connect with your audience effectively. Discover how to create impactful content with minimal effort, tailor your messaging to resonate with your target audience, and stand out in the crowded digital landscape. Whether you're juggling multiple responsibilities or seeking to amplify your online appeal, this episode is packed with insights to help you navigate the challenges of social media marketing and achieve your business goals. Join us for a journey into making your coaching business thrive online.





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The Power of Powerlifting with John Sheridan

John Sheridan, owner of Burley Strength gym in Canberra, Australia, shares his journey from powerlifter to coach. He emphasizes the importance of creating an inclusive environment and offering a third gender division in competitions. John also organizes novice competitions to introduce people to powerlifting and discusses the positive impact of training on his own life. He highlights the value of coaching and the need to be adaptable and empathetic to clients' goals and needs. John reflects on the transition from athlete to coach and discusses his current training for a 24-hour mountain bike race. Follow John on Instagram for updates on his training and journey.





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About Today's Guest

John is the owner & head coach at Burley Strength. He has been...

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The Fastest Way to Help You Get Your Clients Moving and Adhering to the Program

In this podcast episode, George Pagan III, a personal trainer from Miami, shares his experiences in sports, networking, and the world of continuing education. He speaks about how he helps entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve their fitness goals. He also discusses how he uses the Miami weather to encourage clients to go for walks and explore the city's parks and bridges. George shares valuable insights on how coaches should connect with clients and listen to them before correcting any mistakes. Tune in to this episode for game-changing fitness tips. Remember if you tune in, share it on social and tag us so we can chat about your favorite takeaways. 



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