A Healthy Way to Release Fat with Brooke Rosenfeld, RD

In this inspiring episode, we dive into the journey of Brooke, a registered dietician who revolutionizes weight loss by debunking traditional dieting norms. 

Brooke's mission goes beyond short-term weight loss; she aims to equip her clients with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently navigate their own nutrition and adopt sustainable lifestyle habits. Her inspiration stems from her mother, who served as a shining example of balanced nutrition and exercise. 

Reflecting on her childhood, Brooke discusses the invaluable lesson her mother taught her—never restricting certain foods. She expresses her gratitude for this freedom, particularly as she faced the challenges of managing her health after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at a young age. This life-altering experience shifted her focus from history to nutrition and health, and she now only relies on a daily regimen of four pills.

Join us as Brooke candidly shares the difficulties she encountered...

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