What to do in a PR Crisis with Molly McPherson

Join crisis communications and public relations expert, Molly McPherson, as she shares her expertise on how to respond to potential public backlash online and in the press. In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, Molly offers invaluable advice on how to be resilient and powerful in the online space, with tips on understanding communication trends and the importance of having a public relations framework in place. Learn how to prepare for any PR crisis and respond with confidence by following Molly's expert advice.




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About Today's Guest 

Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, is a nationally recognized expert in crisis public relations in the age of social media. She is the author of the book, Indestructible: Reclaim Control and Respond with Confidence in a Media Crisis and is a well-known Pop Culture & PR expert on...

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