Building Rapport in Your Gym and Business Through Validation with Lucy Hendricks

If you're looking at building retention and creating an atmosphere that fosters a successful in-person training business that will survive any challenge, this is going to be an episode you'll want to listen to.

Lucy talks about the work she's put into herself as a coach to become a better communicator to her clients. In the show, she talks about some resources that have been really valuable to her including Love Skills by Linda Carroll and I Hear You by Micheal S. Sorensen



This is Lucy's return appearance to the show! If you want to go back and listen to her first appearance on the podcast, check it out here



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About Today's Guest


Lucy Hendricks is a gym owner from Lexington, Kentucky. Where all the people who once were terrified of walking into a gym, give it a try, and then never leave. It's a thriving business that has grown by word of mouth.

Over the years she's worked with coaches internationally to help them have greater success with their clients. She's a member of the Business for Unicorns, and a Speaker and Mentor.

To learn more about Lucy, you can follow her on Instagram here:

Or go to her gym's website here:

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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links & Coaching Opportunities

PT Profit Formula Jumpstart - a step-by-step proven process to generate consistent 10k Months in 30 Days with just a handful of followers and without sleazy sales.

PT Profit Accelerator - a 6 month coaching mastering with both 1:1 custom support and community mastermind to start and scale a profitable multi 6-figure business and beyond.

30 Day Done for You Content Planner- FREE
Attract, connect, and covert pre-sold leads so you can sell without selling.

The Complete 10k Per Month Blue Print - FREE




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