Finding the Ease with Tonal with Tim Landicho

Tim is a passionate fitness professional who coaches and writes for Tonal. His infectious energy and strength for helping people find who they're meant to be in life is what has enabled him to grow his career and live a fulfilling lifestyle.

When you listen to this episode, you'll get to hear how Tim has worked on his skillset over the years. Tim talks about the ways in which working for himself benefited him when he transitioned to working for Tonal. He also breaks down what Tonal is, and who it could help the most, while also highlighting many of the people that use it to compliment their existing routine.

You're going to love this one! Be sure to tag @bsimpsonfitness and @timlandicho on Instagram with a screenshot or story share when you tune in. We'll repost and we can chat about your takeaways.




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About Today's Guest 

Tim Landicho is a New York City-based trainer & coach who has been in...

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