In this episode, I'll be sharing my top tips on how to determine the right cost for your offerings, taking into account factors such as market demand, value, and time. I'll also be discussing common pricing mistakes to avoid and why it's crucial to know your customer and their potential to pay.
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BSimpsonFitness Best Next Steps
Price. Cost. They can be scary words. A wide belief (or fear) among entrepreneurs, especially earlier in their careers, is that the more things cost, the harder it is to tell.
An increase in cost? Forget about it! Why would you want to scare off your existing clients.
No. No, no, no! Let's reset that mindset ASAP, coaches.
Coaches, today I have master of sales Jen Gitomer joining me to unpack all of that and more. Essentially born a saleswoman, Jen talks to me all about the complex relationship between price, value, yourself, and your business. It is so important that the customer believes they will be better off by working with you, and how can they do that if you do not believe in the value of your services to begin with?
I ask Jen to start off at the beginning for new entrepreneurs, and we dive into a way you can build that belief in yourself to appreciate your value and set your price accordingly. Once you decide on the price, Jen walks us through exactly why you should not...
Today we have a superstar in the online fitness industry joining us. I am so pumped to bring you all Vince Del Monte, who shares with us invaluable insights into the running an online business. Vince and I dive deep into pricing, the strategies you need to know, and what you can do to scale up your business once you identify the root cases of the problems you may be having. This episode was such a treat for me to record. Vince shares with us what it has been like running his multiple 7-figure business, how he manages to pass through the "Messy Middle," and talks to us about the Red Spot Syndrome.
You'll hear:
- Ways to work your way out of the Saturated Market, past Stiff Competition, and through Impostor Syndrome.
- The pieces of building a business that can't be faked.
- What you need to know about scaling a business.
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About Today's Guest
Vince Del Monte is a 7-Figure Fitness Business...
Price is marketing, coaches. Don't forget it.
In fact, I believe in that statement so much that I have to take a moment and repeat it again when I tell you about that in this brand new marketing episode of PT Profit Podcast. I'm gearing up for another launch, and in addition to my upcoming Simple Selling Series beginning May 17th, I had planned on doing a live one-day business bootcamp. Life, however, has won out on that front, so instead of stress out about making that happen, I have decided to bring you the contents of that bootcamp as a few podcasts.
First up is this episode all about pricing. Assigning a value to your products can be stressful, so I wanted to take a moment and chat with you all 1-on-1 to unpack it all. Instead of worrying that the price you choose might exclude some people, let me walk you through how pricing is actually all about the endless possibilities to get you the life you deserve.
In today's episode, you'll hear me dive into:
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