How to Build Compelling Content that Converts using 1-3 Hours a Day

We are diving into how to build compelling content in less time—literally using just one to three hours a day. This challenge is part of my Conversion Club, and we're focusing specifically on optimizing your Instagram presence.

Today, I'll be sharing insights on why it's crucial not to put all your eggs in one basket and how to effectively use multiple platforms to maximize your reach. We'll explore the three pillars of performance: a profitable offer suite, a powerful position, and a purposeful plan, and how these elements can transform your business.

I'll also give you a behind-the-scenes look at my processes, including how I create hundreds of pieces of content with just a few core ideas. We'll talk about creating content that provides real value, shifting perspectives, and generating results in advance.

Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or just looking for some new strategies, this episode is packed with actionable tips and insights. If you're ready to save time and see...

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How to Turn Your Science Skills into Client Leads with Conversion Content

Today, we're diving into the art of creating compelling content that not only engages but also converts. If you're a health and wellness professional who's been diligently posting your best workouts, nutrition tips, and mindset hacks on social media without seeing any client inquiries, this episode is for you.

I'll be sharing my tried-and-true formula that has helped me and my clients generate consistent 40K months. You'll hear real success stories, like Mike, who made 15K in three days with just three posts, and Corey, who pulled in 18K in 30 days with less than 1,000 followers.

We'll explore the common mistakes that many coaches make without realizing it and what you can do instead to start seeing results. Whether you're concerned about the size of your following or you're just feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating content that sells, I've got you covered. I'll show you how to master the art of selling without selling, so you can stop feeling sleazy and start attracting...

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The Power of a Positive Holistic Approach with Laura Murray

In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with Coach Laura Murray, who joins us all the way from Dublin, Ireland. Laura shares how her personal fitness journey served as a catalyst for a career shift, and we dive into how the pandemic unexpectedly propelled her business into the online arena. She also imparts invaluable insights into working with clients and the lessons learned from navigating failures and obstacles as an entrepreneur. Be sure to tune in and tag us on social media - you won't want to miss it!




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About Today's Guest

Laura Murray, an online women's health coach, personal trainer, nutritionist & podcaster based in Dublin, Ireland who helps women to transform their mindset, to improve their health and wellbeing, build their self belief and...

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What I'd do to Get to 100k

In this episode we take a break from our usual programming to reflect on my journey and share valuable insights on how health and wellness professionals can reach their first 100K. I discuss the importance of experimentation, releasing attachment to outcomes, and being courageous in your pursuits. Join me as I walk you through how to maximize your digital content and achieve success in this industry. 



Help Us Help More People. When you leave a review on Apple or Spotify, it helps us share the message so that we can raise the industry standards and help more people for free. 

Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask...

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Industry Power Players: Insights from Top Online Business Innovators

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, we highlight seven episodes from the past six months featuring industry power players and online business innovators. We are featuring clips from Episode 173, 175, 192, 196, 212, 213, and 216. These guests include Colin Boyd and Jenny Rearick, who will talk about presentations and speaking, as well as Dan Feldman, Ali Kershner, Randy King, Rico Incarnati and Drew Manning, who will discuss topics such as professional development, setting boundaries, motivation, content creation, storytelling, inspiration, willingness to do hard things, and self love. AI was used to help curate some of the best moments out of several hours of content to produce this episode.  


"Now what I didn't realize at the time, it was an irresistible offer because out of the 137 people, 125 of them gave me their personal details to follow up. I had a little fishbowl jar that I got from the 99 cents store at the back , but . I literally had 125...

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Reduce Your Content Creation Time By Half

Struggle with content? Not enough time to get it all done? Tune in. This episode is going to be a game changer for you. 

Just like you plan your workouts and nutrition, you should also be planning out your content. We talk about 3 components in content creation that will help you make your life much simpler and more efficient. 

You know what they say, work smarter not harder. 





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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links &...

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4 Things I Wish I Learned Faster When I Started My Business

Gaining perspective and taking time for reflection is one of the best things you can do when you're building your business.

Have you ever taken what you've learned and applied it to a new attempt? Did it help you realize that there is value in imperfection?

This episode is packed with takeaways and value, you'll walk away with insights as to how I work with my clients and how I lead by example.

If you listen, please share this episode on social media!



Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. 

Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links & Coaching...

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How I Sold $40k in One Day with Ten 15-Minute Calls

Success, business, and coaching are all funny things. They are, in essence, living things.

They grow, shift, and change, and despite what some programs make business out to be, there's no "right" way to do it. You need to find the aspects that are in alignment with you.

That's where I'm at today and digging into deep as I, surprise, launch a new 90-day cycle of the PT Profit Formula this week.

I've run this program live and then via a portal since 2020, and I have spent a lot of time thinking about the various aspects of how it is all presented and then digested lately. Doing so has led me come up with a fantastic new way to release the Formula program in a way that will benefit each coach going through the process.

Today I unpack:
- Why I am reevaluating how I teach my clients.
- The cohesive bond that forms within group coaching programs and masterminds.
- How having zero qualms selling helps me close sales.
...and so much more. 


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Is Your Business at Risk? featuring Ryan O'Ramsay Barrett

It's 2022, and we are all wired in.

Everyone nowadays understands the threats that cybersecurity can impose. Whether you downloaded songs illegally off of Napster and KaZaA or had an elderly relative fall victim to an email scam, the threats are real.

If you're a business owner, you aren't just dialed in to the 'net. Your entire company is too. You might only have three or four employees; you might only have one assistant; or you might have an entire army of folks in various departments with a dedicated server. Being that dialed in, however, means that you might be particularly vulnerable...unless you have the know-how.

Today I have the pleasure and the privilege of having Ryan from ORAM join me to talk all about how we can defend ourselves from the nefarious actors out there who might be spying on our email accounts and businesses. While that might sound like a storyline out of the show 24, businesses get attacked every day, and if you are caught off-guard, your...

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The Pre/Postnatal Athlete with Kim Perry

As many of you know, prior to my big shift into the marketing world, I worked with a lot of moms as a personal trainer, and as a mother myself, I know the importance of finding trustworthy sources that you can adapt to your own specific needs.

The truth is: up until a few years ago, finding a space for pregnancy workouts that was more than prenatal yoga but not as intense as workouts meant for bulking and shredding. 

Thankfully prenatal workouts have come a long way, and pregnant people have more great choices than ever before.

Joining me today to unpack that fit pregnancy journey the industry has taken is Kim Perry. Kim is a mom of three, and we dive into all sorts of myths and expectations that pregnant women face when it comes to both health and wellness as well as navigating the fitness industry. It was my pleasure and privilege to invite her on, compare our fitbiz journeys, and hear how she helps expectant mothers stay fit and healthy.



Kim joins me to talk...

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