How To Measure the Metrics that Actually Matter

In this episode, we will be talking about the metrics that matter for your business. It is very important to know where you are in your business so that you can determine if what you are doing is moving your business forward. Today I will be giving you three steps to set up your metrics that matter. We are going to find out what to measure to analyze how your business is performing.



Today I unpack:
- What a KPI is.
- How to decide which KPI to use.
- Detaching your emotions from results. 


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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your...

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The Truth About Pole Dancing with Dalijah Amelia

Today's guest and I coincidentally worked at the same gym in Manhattan, just at slightly different times! I am so thrilled to introduce you all to Dalijah Amelia. We have a fantastic discussion about her journey in movement that led to a pole class that changed her life.

In this episode, we talk all about Pole Dancing and all about body confidence. We all know that there is stigma attached to pole dancing, so Dalijah dives into some misconceptions about it for me and added that it's a very rewarding thing to do. More and more people are getting to know pole dancing as a creative outlet and fitness regimen, and pole dancing has allowed her to travel across the world. Dalijah also shares her knowledge on why people are interested in pole dancing as well as information about some tricks and more challenging moves.



You'll hear:
- Misconceptions about pole dancing.
- Difference between a pole dance for fitness and pole dance competition
- Things to pay attention to...

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The 6 S's of a Successful Fitness Business

Coaches, I'm bringing you today's episode from the other side of my launch. I've got a brand new class of students within the PT Profit Formula, and I'm starting to unpack the lessons learned from this process. 



Today I dive into:
- Some of the lessons I learned from this launch.
- Why I'm bumping up Studying to the first S over Serving.
- Alignment and intention.


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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links & Coaching Opportunities

Simple Selling Live free 3-part...

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A Ballerina's Journey with Strength featuring Diana Sorokova

Diana Sorokova is a ballerina and strength trainer, and in today's episode, she joins me to talk about her journey and experiences, how she got into strength training, and how she helps others do the same. We also talked all about dancers and how she is able to help them get better with regards to being strong and being healthy as well since being a performer can be very demanding both physically and mentally.

We also broke down the types of dancers, their training and needs, and the things you as a trainer need to consider while working with dancers dancers. Then, Diana shared her experience with general population clients and how her app B.STRONG works.



Diana and I dive into:
- The challenges you encounter in training dancers.
- The impact of strength training to a hyperflexible and hypermobile dancers
- The recovery process for dancers, and the reasons why dancers seek help.
...and more!


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3 Ways to Create Revenue on Demand

Today it's just you and me, coaches, and I am going to walk you through my tips on how create revenue on demand. Just like everything within the PT Profit Formula, this comes from my own life experiences. These are ways that have I personally sought out additional revenue when I wanted it.

Test these tips out for yourself, and be sure to visit PT Profit Formula for more information. Doors are open for a limited time! You don't want to miss out on the final round of 2021.



You'll hear:
- Tips to creating revenue.
- Lifetime Customer Value (LCV).
- The importance of community and customization.


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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness...

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An Osteopath's Journey with Dr. Dani Antonellos

Today we have the brilliant Dr. Dani Antonellos joining us from Australia, and we talked all about her journey as an osteopath and what bought her into that practice. We also tackled the differences between a physio and an osteopath as well as the crossover between physical therapy and personal training.

Dani shared with me about her teaching practices, including what makes it stand out from other trainers. We talk about how is she educating both clients and other fitness professionals, and we dive into the topics of Bracing, Hip Hinge and Breathing. She also shares with me how she manages her own pain and her experience in growing her business during the pandemic.



You'll hear Dani talk to me about:
- Everyday movements you should pay attention to.
- Understanding core training.
- When to know when you need to change or continue a program.


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About Today's Guest


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The PT Profit Formula Experience

Coaches, I started the PT Profit Podcast in June 2020 after I kept telling my clients, "You need to get on a podcast! Go out and promote yourself on a podcast!"

Ultimately, I wanted to give my clients a platform to share their exciting programs and a resource for them to continue learning because if you're hanging out with me, chances are you are interested in messaging and excited about the science of training. I also want to thank all of you for being part of this amazing journey.

I thought the most fitting way to celebrate this milestone on the PT Profit Podcast would be to give an inside look at the PT Profit Formula itself. Today, three of my clients are joining me to talk about their fitness journeys and how the PT Profit Formula's group coaching program has impacted their business. Solana Lewis, Crystal Thomas, and Dhana Harrelson share their thoughts on how valuable the community setting has become to them. They also shared what they learned and discoveries they...

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Optimize Your Gut Health with Dr. Deanna Elliott

Centered Physical Therapy & Wellness's Dr. Deanna Elliott joins us today to talk about gut health and your body's exit strategy. Deanna herself has experienced being lost and not knowing what to do with her own body, but she then discovered Functional Medicine. From there, she found a place to be able to help her clients out of their own pains and struggles.

In this episode, Deanna shares how being knowledgeable about our own genetics can help us manage our health. We also talked a lot of things related to gut health, such as inflammation, Eczema, and elimination diets.



Today, you'll hear me talk with Deanna about:
- Genetics and what to get out of unpacking them.
- Inflammatory markers, what they are, and what to learn from them.
- Modifying genetic illnesses.


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About Today's Guest

Dr. Deanna Elliott is a mom, turned Physical Therapist, who decided Functional Medicine was...

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Create Clients on Demand

For today's episode of the PT Profit Podcast, I'm giving you a replay of the free training and workshop that I hosted at the end of August called Create Clients on Demand. We tackled so much material during that training that I knew it would be useful to my podcast audience to publish it in audio form as well.

By the end of this episode, you will learn to identify some of the missing factors in your businesses as well as how to connect with your potential audience. I also share my knowledge regarding how to attract potential clients without being pushy and sleazy, and I dive into how you can build rapport with your audience using your content in just 5 minutes.



In this special training, you'll hear me dive into:
- the PT Profit Formula's 3 Pillars of Performance.
- what every business needs.
- the various types of sellers.

Be sure to register for Simple Selling Live. Simple Selling Live is a free 3-part live training that...

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How To Bring Complex Concepts into Your Practice with Dr. Mike DeMille

Joining me today is Dr. Mike DeMille of Divergence Physical Therapy and Wellness. Mike shares with me his experiences on how a sports injury led him to wanting to enter the world of physical therapy himself.  Mike talks to me all about the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) and receiving your PRC certification. We also dive into how to simplify complex concepts and the implementation involved. Our conversation covers how that applies to FitPros, athletes of varying levels, and even in regards to our gen-pop clients. 



You'll hear Mike and I discuss:
- Who can get PRC certified.
- When to expect a client result.
- One of the most important things that separates a successful coach from the rest.


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About Today's Guest

Mike DeMille is a Postural Restoration Certified practitioner who treats patients dealing with chronic pain and progresses his patients back to an active lifestyle...

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