โ€œBest Ofโ€ Series: Raise the Fitness Industry Standard with Compound Performance


In this installment of our “Best Of” Series, we look back THIRTY episodes to one of our most popular of the PT Profit podcast, Episode 6 with Compound Performance gurus Kyle Dobbs and Matt Domney, who share their thoughts on using critical thinking and communication to raise the standards of individual training programs and best serve your clients. 



You'll hear us discuss:

  • How the language you use to train your clients can be applied to any demographic and fitness level in the most efficient way possible
  • Ways to use your environment to give context to the information you provide 
  • Why trying to prove how much you know can backfire on you and your client 

Compound Performance Website
Matt on Instagram

Podcast Review + Bonus Offer

If you enjoy this episode, I would love to hear your favorite part or what inspired you. Leave us a 5-star review over at Apple Podcasts by clicking here

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Beginner's Luck Explained

marketing Oct 13, 2020

In today’s episode, I wanted to share my thoughts on what many call “Beginner’s Luck” - that magical phrase that we often use when we see another person’s success who is starting out in their marketing journey...and maybe uttered more often during a time when we are struggling with feelings of Imposter Syndrome and comparing ourselves to others. One important thing to realize is that there are some actual reasons why Beginner’s Luck is a thing, but also our approach to how we’re presenting ourselves, our services, and how we are reacting to the successes that we do have can make all the difference.  




  • What three things that beginners have and do that automatically create a better chance of success for themselves
  • Why it’s important to understand market saturation vs. market sophistication
  • How the mindset a beginner automatically is set up for success


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If you...

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How Macros Retired Her Husband from Corporate

eve guzman macros nutrition Oct 08, 2020


Today we got to speak with Eve Guzman, the founder of the Macro Mentorship Program, the unique macro nutrition + business coaching course. Eve turns health coaches and nutritionists into macro experts, increases their re-sign rates, builds their confidence with nutrition coaching, streamlines their client management systems while scaling their businesses. She is an internationally-acclaimed nutritionist, business coach, public speaker, and PEOPLE Magazine 'Half Their Size' ambassador. She is the creator of the G-Transformation Academy, which aims to help women ditch fad diets, lose weight, and eat real food without being restricted. She has personally lost more than 150 pounds through exercise and her macro nutrition philosophy, going from obese to a nationally qualified figure competitor.




  • How the experience of being your OWN coach before can shape your approach to your client
  • What coaches need to know about the role that macros can play in your...
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How To Build Your Model Based On An Assessment

alex effer canada Oct 01, 2020

Today was a fantastic deep dive into the fundamentals of using the assessment in process, business, and buy-in and get tangible results that will get the client what they want. 

I spoke with Alex Effer, an Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Coach with training in Postural Restoration Institute (PRI), and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) based out of Toronto, Canada. Having worked with and presented for clients ranging from professional/semi-professional athletes to executives to those suffering from chronic diseases, Alex is sought after for his knowledge by fitness and rehabilitation professionals who want to develop a coherent principles-based model to systemize their assessment and treatment.




  • Assessing clients in this new post-COVID online era
  • Issues most trainers have with the assessment of clients and how they can integrate the most effective exercises possible
  • How to get clients to have realistic expectations for their...
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Increasing Performance and Health

For today’s episode, I was so excited to talk with Greg Hawthorne Jr. who is a Certified Athletic Trainer who spent nearly a decade working with elite-level athletics. He has worked for the Carolina Panthers, Florida State University, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Detroit Lions, the Rhein Fire in Dusseldorf, Germany, and both Michigan State University and The University of Michigan Athletics. He has implemented Human Performance programs with great success in a variety of populations, ranging from high caliber athletes to the geriatric population. Greg talks to us today about his hunger for knowledge and the need to use that knowledge to help individuals perform and function at their optimum level. 



Greg & I discuss:

  • How to discern what education to invest in compared to the niche in which you work
  • Key tips on expanding, growing and pushing the envelope
  • Greg’s journey from starting out to becoming a top-level strength and conditioning coach for...
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"Best Of" Series: Imposter Syndrome 2.0

In this episode from our “Best Of” Series, we take a deeper dive into Episode 5 discussing several techniques to work through Imposter Syndrome so that you can stop sabotaging yourself and start growing a thriving fitness business either in person or online. I add additional commentary using recent examples with my own business and experiences of Imposter Syndrome to really hit home the fact that it happens to all of us;  it can occur no matter how successful you are, and it’s okay as long as you push through it. I help show you how. 


In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • What Imposter Syndrome really is and why it’s likely holding you back from growing your business.
  • The missing ingredient your message is likely missing which might be preventing you from scaling
  • 4 Tangible steps that you can instantly implement to help you feel and move through fear so that you can get your message in front of ideal clients. 
  • 2 new and updated...
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Your Role with Pain As A Personal Trainer

Today we got to talk to coach, educator, speaker, and blogger Lucy Hendricks who not only takes a holistic approach to personal training but is known for her ability to take complicated topics and making them digestible for fitness and rehab professionals. She helps coaches who have clients that have been hindered by movement limitations get back to what they love whether it’s a competitive sport, general strength training, or living a life without pain.

In this episode, you’ll learn about:

  • The power of letting clients who feel hopeless due to pain know they are being heard and their fitness goals addressed
  • What the de-conditioned population really is and the myths surrounding people who don’t work out
  • What the outdated theories are regarding pain in the fitness industry and how they are doing more harm than good to clients suffering from chronic pain

Lucy’s Website
Enhancing Life on Instagram

Podcast Review + Bonus Offer

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Three Lessons from a Profitable Launch that Went Wrong

In today’s episode, I pull back the curtain to show the behind-the-scenes ins and outs of a recent launch - and the lessons I learned from everything that went wrong. I want to share these things I learned with YOU so that you can at least recognize them when they come up - because things always come up, we can’t control everything. Having done hundreds of launches, I knew these things and STILL they had a way of coming back. Because you never get to the top and have ARRIVED. It’s always a mercurial learning process. 

Learning and improving comes from DOING it. It takes, sometimes, MESSY action. If you’re anything like me, you’re going to want to try to make everything about your launch perfect - and...well, sometimes things don’t turn out the way you want or expect. And you know what? All the 7-figure marketing masters that we all look up to also had to go through the same things. They just learned it and got through it faster. 

We all...

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"Best Of" Series: Optimize Information Overload for Fitness

From our “Best Of” Series,  we look back at guest Dr. Michelle Boland who discusses how to optimize and implement our education inside our business while navigating available information to make the leap into owning your own business.



 Michelle and I talk about:

  • How to transition into your own business by creating and using a network
  • What she learned from working with Hockey players.
  • Why her remote clients are often her favorite

Michelle Boland Training

Dr. Boland’s IG

Dr. Boland’s Exercise Database

Podcast Review + Bonus Offer

If you enjoy this episode, I would love to hear your favorite part or what inspired you. Leave us a 5-star review over at Apple Podcasts by clicking here

Be sure to screenshot the published review and send it to the team at [email protected], and we’ll send you a very special BONUS episode: How to Optimize your IG so that you can get your first 5 high...

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How to Build Your Brand


While working in the graphic design corporate world and eventually becoming a personal trainer as well, Jennifer Dmuchowski discovered her new passion for her life through the combination of design and fitness. Over the last four years Jennifer helped create a boutique fitness gym from the brand and marketing side to the fitness development and training aspect which eventually led her to take the leap and go out on her own creating her own business. Covering topics from building your brand to social media development, Jennifer’s goal is to empower fitness professionals to learn how to create their own business and brand through the power of marketing and design.



In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Keys to learning how to find your voice and your brand
  • How to navigate the transitions of in-person to online in a post-Covid era
  • The psychology behind design and the impact it makes on potential clients

Jennifer's IG

Jennifer’s Website

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