The Systems and Structures Behind a Multiple 6-Figure Business

In this episode, we dive deep into the essential factors that drive business growth. It's not just about the numbers; it's about gaining clarity on what it truly takes to succeed.

Join me as I break down the crucial systems and structures that need to be in place for sustainable growth. Along the way, we encounter ceilings and bottlenecks in resources, time, energy, and effort. But fear not, because I reveal how to make strategic decisions on resource allocation to maximize your return on investment.

One common misconception is that as we reach new levels of success, we face entirely new challenges. But the truth is, it's the same challenges dressed in different forms. I'll show you how to navigate these challenges with confidence and trust in your decision-making abilities.

In the previous episode, I shared a specific process for measuring the math behind a six or seven-figure business. If you haven't tuned in yet, I highly recommend checking it out first for a solid foundation.


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How to Do Deep Work With Your Clients with Kait Ann-Michelle

Dive into this deeply insightful episode of the PT Profit Podcast, where I have the pleasure of chatting with Coach Kate Ann-Michelle. Kate provides us with a unique exploration into the transformative power of her 'deep work'. Sharing her own personal journey, she reveals how this practice has made a lasting impact on her life and the lives of her clients.

As a coach with a rich background in health, fitness, and personal development, Kate works with a diverse group, from busy moms to top-tier athletes. She shares her unique approach of catering to those needing more personalized health and fitness solutions.

Kate's story of resilience, following a career-ending basketball injury, is truly inspiring. She opens up about her struggles and the self-discovery that followed. Learn how she challenges her clients to confront their limiting beliefs and develop effective stress management strategies.

Hear from Kate herself about her personal rituals for emotional processing and clarity,...

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How I Turned My Business into 500k with Just 2k Followers

In this enlightening episode, I'm excited to share my journey - how I escalated my business to $500K and a now scaling to a million dollars in revenue, all with a tight-knit community of just 2000 followers.

Join me as we delve into the critical importance of expertise and credibility, and how it plays into the success of your business. I'll break down how you don't necessarily need high-ticket items to thrive and how strategic planning, batch creating, and meaningful conversations can ramp up your revenue.

We'll start from the basics, understanding the blueprint of a profitable business - solving problems that customers are willing to pay for. I'll stress the significance of having a solid support system and how it's vital to recognize that the bigger the problem you solve, the larger the potential return on your investment.

In this talk, I'll remind you that business, at its core, is simple yet complex: you need to provide swift and efficient solutions to people's problems....

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A Healthy Way to Release Fat with Brooke Rosenfeld, RD

In this inspiring episode, we dive into the journey of Brooke, a registered dietician who revolutionizes weight loss by debunking traditional dieting norms. 

Brooke's mission goes beyond short-term weight loss; she aims to equip her clients with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently navigate their own nutrition and adopt sustainable lifestyle habits. Her inspiration stems from her mother, who served as a shining example of balanced nutrition and exercise. 

Reflecting on her childhood, Brooke discusses the invaluable lesson her mother taught her—never restricting certain foods. She expresses her gratitude for this freedom, particularly as she faced the challenges of managing her health after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at a young age. This life-altering experience shifted her focus from history to nutrition and health, and she now only relies on a daily regimen of four pills.

Join us as Brooke candidly shares the difficulties she encountered...

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3 Common Traps Coaches Get Into with Their Messaging

In this episode, I reveal the traps coaches often fell into when it came to messaging. We tackled the difference between messaging and copy, discovered the power of psychographics, and shifted our focus to clients ready to take action. Join me as we build thriving coaching businesses that truly transform lives. Dive into this short episode and be sure to message me @bsimpsonfitness with your biggest takeaways!



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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about...

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Is Fat Loss Part of Being Healthy? with Jonny Landels

In this episode we talk with Jonny Landels, a UK-based online health coach who specializes in helping those with disordered eating practices, low self-esteem, and low body image. He himself has struggled with his own weight and confidence, often turning to strict calorie tracking and intense exercise to find a solution. This led him to discover what disordered eating means, as well as the concept of intuitive eating and having a positive body image. Jonny works to help others develop a healthy relationship with themselves, food, and exercise. When you listen to this episode, be sure to screenshot it and tag us on social media so that we can help more people. 



Help Us Help More People. When you leave a review on apple or Spotify, it helps us share the message so that we can raise the industry standards and help more people for free. 

About Today's Guest

Jonny Landels is a seasoned fitness professional with a passion for helping...

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How to Know if a Process Will Work For You

In this episode we're talking about the importance of client results and case studies. I dive into how case studies can increase revenue and encourage listeners to obtain case studies of their own to demonstrate the effectiveness of their services. It's important to be able to prove that the services offered make a difference in clients' lives. We also go over some tips for how to gather case studies. If you find this episode valuable, share it with your industry friends. You never know who may benefit from working on this part of their business.



Help Us Help More People. When you leave a review on Apple or Spotify, it helps us share the message so that we can raise the industry standards and help more people for free. 

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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking...

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The Power of a Positive Holistic Approach with Laura Murray

In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with Coach Laura Murray, who joins us all the way from Dublin, Ireland. Laura shares how her personal fitness journey served as a catalyst for a career shift, and we dive into how the pandemic unexpectedly propelled her business into the online arena. She also imparts invaluable insights into working with clients and the lessons learned from navigating failures and obstacles as an entrepreneur. Be sure to tune in and tag us on social media - you won't want to miss it!




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About Today's Guest

Laura Murray, an online women's health coach, personal trainer, nutritionist & podcaster based in Dublin, Ireland who helps women to transform their mindset, to improve their health and wellbeing, build their self belief and...

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How to Price Your Products and Services

In this episode, I'll be sharing my top tips on how to determine the right cost for your offerings, taking into account factors such as market demand, value, and time. I'll also be discussing common pricing mistakes to avoid and why it's crucial to know your customer and their potential to pay. 



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Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

BSimpsonFitness Best Next Steps

 Simple Scaling...

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On Training and Being Relatable to Your Clients with Jackie Lindal

Jackie Lindal is a Canadian personal trainer who truly understands the struggles of busy women who want to prioritize their health and fitness goals. In this episode, she shares how she helps her clients achieve their desired results without overexerting themselves with too much cardio or strict carb-cutting diets. Jackie's own fitness journey started early on, growing up on a farm, playing sports, and practicing jiu-jitsu. However, it was after attending a wrestling seminar led by two strong and knowledgeable women that she gained a desire to take her fitness to the next level. Join us for this awesome episode as we dive into Jackie's fitness experiences and uncover valuable insights on how to make the most of your workouts and achieve a healthier, happier you.




Help Us Help More People. When you leave a review on apple or Spotify, it helps us share the message so that we can raise the industry standards and help more people for...

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