Mastering Podcast Growth and Optimization with Courtney Elmer

Courtney Elmer shares her journey of personal transformation and how it led her to start her own business in podcasting. She discusses the importance of having a niche and a problem to solve, as well as the power of using your voice to create meaningful change. Courtney also explains her process for launching and growing a podcast, including the importance of creating binge-worthy content and leveraging your email list.




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About The Guest

Courtney Elmer is not just a sought-after consultant, host, and keynote speaker—she's your go-to guide for turning your voice into a catalyst for positive change. With over 7 years of expertise in marketing and business psychology, she's known as the leading authority on the science behind what makes podcasts succeed (or...

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Business Contradictions: The Truth About Experience

In this episode, I discuss the truth about experience and how it can be a double-edged sword. I explain that experience can lead to informed pessimism and put individuals in a rut. Additionally, experience can lead to misconceptions that what worked in the past no longer works. However, I emphasize that it is important to recognize that every experience is new and fresh, and to approach each sales conversation with a reset mindset. I also highlight the importance of optimizing deliverables in a scalable way and not discarding what has worked in the past. I provide actionable steps for listeners to evaluate their experiences and make data-driven decisions to increase performance.




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Giving Your Best Stuff Away for Free is the Worst Way to Grow Your Business

In this episode, I discuss why giving away your best stuff for free might actually hinder the growth of your business. I emphasize the importance of generating revenue to help more people and highlight the need to shift the perspective on money. I explain that constantly giving away valuable content for free can make you sound like noise in the echo chamber of social media. It can also overwhelm your prospects and make them feel like they can do it on their own, leading to disappointment when they don't achieve the desired results. Instead, I suggest strategically empowering people with information, demonstrating the power of implementation, and positioning yourself as the go-to expert to help them reach their goals faster.  




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Foundations for Success: 30 Key Questions for Fitness Professionals with Chris Liddle

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, guest host Chris Liddle discusses the foundations for success in the fitness industry. He shares insights and lessons he has learned he has learned that have correlated with the takeaways of key books, including "Psycho Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown, "Good to Great" by James C. Collins, and "The Leader Who Had No Title" by Robin Sharma. Chris answers 30 key questions related to fitness professionals' success, covering topics such as vulnerability, comfort zones, legacy, active listening, positive communication, continuous learning, teamwork, authenticity, and more. If you enjoy this episode, be sure to share it and tag us on social media!






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Business Contradictions: The Truth About Time

In this episode I explore the contradiction surrounding time in business. On one hand, people say that time is an illusion, while on the other hand, they claim that growing a business takes time. Both statements are true in their own ways. While the experience of time can vary, it is necessary to acquire the skills and reps needed to build a successful business. However, it is important to focus on what can be controlled, such as consistent communication of value and showing up regularly, rather than trying to speed up the process of convincing potential customers. This episode also covers the disappointment that can arise from unmet expectations and the importance of emotional regulation and personalizing the journey. Key takeaways for listeners is to release attachment to outcomes, increase conversations and conversions, and prioritize effectively to expedite results. 



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How to Make Sales Everyday without Launching

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, I delve into the secrets of achieving daily sales without the need for constant launching. Drawing from my personal journey of setting lofty goals and crafting evergreen sales systems, I reveal the pivotal role of showcasing expertise, providing value, and enhancing visibility for steady sales generation. I also unravel the intricacies of the macro and micro cycles of content, demonstrating their power in nurturing leads and transforming them into loyal customers. Through this discussion, I aim to guide business owners towards establishing a relaxed yet effective sales system that consistently drives revenue each day.

Want to make a interact with the show? Submit a submission here for a chance to be part of a future episode go to the form.





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How To Make 10k Fast

In this episode, I share my strategy for making your next $10,000 quickly. I emphasize the importance of brainstorming all the ways you can help people and determining if that aligns with what your audience wants. I also discuss the value of current relationships and how they can lead to referrals and affiliate opportunities. I encourage removing distractions and staying committed to your goals.



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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us...

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How to Alchemize Disappointment with Penny Hounsome

This episode is a live coaching call with Penny Hounsome where we discuss how to alchemize disappointment and maintain a positive mindset when faced with challenges in business. We explore the importance of recognizing patterns, staying in momentum, and caring about everything and nothing at the same time. This episode also provides insights on how to speak to clients who are ready to level up and how to let go of those who are not. The conversation highlights the need to focus on the right audience and communicate effectively to facilitate transformation.  




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How to Address Resistance with Cameron Puls

This episode is a live coaching session with past client, Cameron Puls on how to address resistance when presenting a plan of care or transformation program to clients. We discuss the importance of understanding the client's desires and the real problem they are facing. We also explore strategies for addressing resistance without being pushy or sleazy. The key takeaways include identifying the client's urgency, exposing the real problem, and addressing objections before presenting the price.

If you enjoy this live coaching format of the podcast, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know on social @bsimpsonfitness





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End-of-Year Strategies: Boosting Your Business Without Traditional Selling Techniques

BEST OF PT PROFIT PODCAST: In this insightful episode, we’re taking some footage from the vault to help you close of 2023 with some serious momentum.

Based on insights directly from the accelerators we’re working with and the metrics here at BSimpson Fitness, we will reveal the intricacies of engaging in sales discussions without resorting to traditional pushiness.

In this episode, we will debunk common myths about sales calls and equip you with the tools needed to effectively reduce resistance.

I also highlight the importance of empathy and active listening in sales, and break down the three key types of resistance you might face – process, personal, and resource-based – and demonstrate how to skillfully navigate each.

This episode is a crucial listen for anyone aiming to finish the year strongly, equipped with practical, empathetic strategies for business success.




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