Building Strength, Overcoming Challenges, and Finding Success with Brandon Mancine

Brandon Mancini, a personal trainer and coach with over 20 years of experience, shares his journey in the fitness industry and his passion for helping parents and business owners prioritize their health. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the basics and building strength to improve overall health and longevity. Brandon also discusses the impact of his own accident on his perspective and approach to fitness. He highlights the principles of success, including having a clear vision, being honest with oneself, and prioritizing what truly matters.  




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About Today's Guest 

Brandon Mancini is a personal trainer, coach, and business owner with over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. He has worked in big box gyms and...

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Overcoming Resistance with Dr. Jite Lark

In this mini series episode, Dr. Jite Clark joins me on a live coaching call to discuss strategies for overcoming resistance and objections in sales conversations. We talk about the importance of understanding the different types of resistance and objections that clients may have, such as resistance to the process, resources, and fear of self. I also provide practical tips for effectively addressing objections and moving clients through the sales process without being pushy. In this episode, I demonstrate how to handle objections and guide clients towards making a decision. Enjoying this mini-series format? Let us know @bsimpsonfitness! 




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About Today's Guests 

Dr. Jite Clark helps professional ladies lose weight, get fit and...
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The Zero Call Close - Selling without Selling

In this episode, I discuss the concept of the zero call close and how to sell without selling. I highlight the importance of understanding your offer and who it is for, as well as addressing resistance and volume in your sales process. Lastly, I provide practical tips for selling without getting on the phone and highlight the need for effective communication and connection with potential clients. Looking to learn more? Let's connect on social. Find me at @bsimpsonfitness!  




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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to...

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Elite High Performance Coaching Techniques and Achieving Personal Goals with Emanuel 'Coach Pow' Parris

In this episode, Emmanuel Parris aka Coach Pow discusses his unique approach to high-performance training, which combines hypertrophy training, strength training, and mobility work. He emphasizes the importance of addressing areas like ribcage and pelvis mobility and incorporating gait into exercise selection. Coach Pow also highlights the significance of strength and mobility for maintaining movement quality and navigating through life. He shares his assessment process for creating training programs and common goals that clients come to him with. Coach Pow also touches on the importance of understanding the language of the individual and tailoring coaching to their needs.

This episode highlights some of the industry greats, and we really hope you enjoy tuning in!




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Final 2 Reasons You Might Not Be Where You Want to Be

In this episode, I talk about how crucial support and managing our emotions are when it comes to finding success in business. I underline how vital it is to have coaches and mentors in our lives to give us that much-needed boost and to point out the things we might not be able to see by ourselves. I also discuss the perils of getting stuck in the "valley of despair" and basing our decisions on our emotions. I open up about my own journey and share the valuable lessons I've picked up throughout my experiences. I'd love to hear your takeaways. Send me a message @bsimpsonfitness!






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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're...

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Demystifying SEO for Fitness Professionals with Chris Liddle

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, Chris Liddle demystifies SEO for fitness professionals. He explains that SEO is not a quick fix and requires a long-term strategy. Chris emphasizes the importance of understanding your target audience and their needs by researching forums like Quora and Reddit. He also highlights the value of creating valuable and engaging content that solves people's problems. Chris provides tips on optimizing meta tags, leveraging LinkedIn for increased visibility, and incorporating video marketing. He encourages fitness professionals to continuously improve their writing skills and not be afraid to collaborate with others in the industry. Chris also discusses the concept of keyword cannibalization and the importance of monitoring keyword performance.

 Like this episode? Let us know by reaching out! 



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How to Cultivate Authenticity and Heart-Centered Coaching with Penny Hounsome and Lisa Balsdon

In this episode, Penny Hounsome and Lisa Balsdon discuss their journey in the health and wellness industry and how they have evolved their coaching business over the years. They emphasize the importance of personal development and continuous growth as coaches. They also share their experiences as expatriates living in Costa Rica and how it has influenced their coaching and personal lives. They discuss the challenges their clients face and how they facilitate transformation by helping them overcome imposter syndrome and learn from their own experiences. They also highlight the importance of being honest with oneself and staying emotionally regulated as a coach. Overall, Penny and Lisa provide valuable insights into the coaching process and the impact it can have on both coaches and clients.

 You're going to love this one. If you give it a listen, tag us all on social @bsimpsonfitness, @pdhealthcoaching, @lisabalsdonliveinmotion




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Why You May Not Be Where You Want To Be: Messaging

In this continuation of the mini-series, I discuss the importance of effective messaging in attracting and converting clients. I emphasize the need to focus on what clients want rather than what they need, and to address the problems they are aware of. I explain that many struggling coaches make the mistake of writing content about their solutions instead of the problems their clients are facing. I advise coaches to create content that moves clients towards their desired outcomes and reveals the true nature of the pain they're experiencing. I also stress the importance of testing and assessing messaging to see what truly resonates with clients. 

Want to learn more? Let's Connect! Find me at @bsimpsonfitness 




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Can You Make 10k Per Month With A Low Ticket Offer

In this episode of the PT Profit Podcast, I break down whether it is possible to make $10,000 per month with a low ticket offer. When creating your offer, it's important to be convicted in yourself and your products, and clear on determining the market you want to be in. It's important to value what you bring to the market. I also explain how to calculate whether you are working in the red and provide strategies for creating low ticket offers that are accessible and valuable to clients.

Want to learn more? Let's Connect! Find me at @bsimpsonfitness 




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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale...

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How to Know When to Quit with Nick Snow

In this episode, Nick Snow shares his personal journey in the fitness industry and how he made the tough decision to drop out of college and pursue a career in personal training. He discusses the challenges he faced and the lessons he learned along the way. Nick also talks about the importance of following your intuition and knowing when to change direction in your career. He emphasizes the value of networking and building relationships in the fitness industry.

If you enjoy this episode, be sure to tag us on social media and leave us a review!



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About Today's Guest 

Nick Snow is a personal trainer with a degree in nutrition & dietetics. He has been in the industry for nearly a decade and has spent the last 7 years building his own...
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